Honesty is The Best Policy
A homeless man in Boston found a backpack containing more than $40,000 in cash and traveler’s checks. Even though he had a fortune in his hands—a fortune he desperately needed—he contacted the police and turned in the bag, and the man who lost the bag got it back, along with all the money it contained. Boston police honored the finder, Glen James, for what he had done. But the story wasn’t over for honest Mr. James; an online fund was started for him, and in just two days it had raised over $90,000!
A man with nothing found riches, and gave them away, only to receive more than he could have ever imagined. That’s how the good news of salvation works: when you give whatever you have to God —your heart and your mind, your entire life—you end up with far more than you had before. Peter, never afraid to give voice to what was on his mind, once asked Jesus, “We have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” Jesus responded with a promise to humanity that will flood your heart with peace:
“Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29).
You don’t ever need to feel as though making a decision for Jesus will be to your detriment. Jesus was clear: honor me, and I’ll honor you. As James wrote, if you humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, then He will lift you up (James 4:10). And we don’t have to pretend that finding more than $40,000 wouldn’t be a temptation. Some would consider the easy thing would be to keep the cash and take care of personal or family needs, yet the honest decision brought real rewards. A decision for Jesus does the same—and whether or not you’re better off in this world isn’t the point. The greatest gift of all is eternal life—and that’s coming soon!