The Everlasting Gospel

The Everlasting Gospel

Revelation Chapter 14

A Conventional Methodology and Undiluted Methodology

The Conventional VersionThe Undiluted (full strength) Version
Correctly interprets the Book of Revelation according to the historical-prophetic method of Bible interpretation.Also emphasizes the Book of Revelation as a revelation of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1) “…but the great Center of attraction, Jesus Christ, must not be left out of the third angel’s message…”(Ev 184).
May see the Book of Revelation largely as a portrayal of past and a prediction of future events.While continuously alert to historical events on earth as prophetic fulfillments of the text, it also focuses significantly on the work of Christ in heaven’s open courtroom in order to give people solid assurance of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Correctly looks to historical events on earth that matches the text.
May sometimes lead to fear of the future unless Christ’s mediatorial work in the heavenly courtroom is also emphasized.
Seeks to dig deeper in the Scriptures by letting the Bible be its own interpreter for every symbol and concept.
Also seeks to discover all the practical and experiential aspects of the three angels messages as found everywhere in both the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Basically, there are no ‘additional’ truths, but only previously existing truths that we have not yet discerned due to the blindness of our hearts.
Sees the three angels’ messages primarily as messages to warn the world.Also sees the three angels’ messages as God’s formula for everyday successful Christian living. These messages are indeed God’s medicine for our lives today. When we live these messages we will be better prepared to give them.

The Three Angels’ Messages are God’s special messages for last-day Christians. This message is to be shared with the world and will reach its climax with the second coming of Jesus. This threefold message appears in Revelation 14:6-11.

Angel Message from Space

God’s Final Warning to the World