Zeus and the Potsherds

Zeus and the Potsherds

One day, Zeus, the King of all Gods, was very angry with the people. He called Hermes, who is the Messenger of the Gods, and ordered, “Hermes, your job is to write down a list of all the bad things done by all the people.”

Hermes asked, “But where do you want me to write them down and what shall I do with it?”

Zeus answered, “Write them on Potsherds, Hermes, and then pile them up in a box. Remember, that’s all you have to do and I will do the rest.”

Now “Potsherds” are broken bits of pottery, which the Greeks used to write on in the olden days. They would pile up these written Potsherds one on top of the other and store them in a box.

Hermes did his job and piled up all the Potsherds. Zeus then picked them one by one, and punished every person according to the bad deeds they had done.

This is why the bad people, whose Potsherds are at the bottom of the pile, get their punishment later. The ones whose names are on top of the pile get punished first!

Everyone will have to face justice, sooner or later.



The Swan and the Owl

The Swan and the Owl

Once upon a time, there lived a Swan near a lake in a forest.

One night, an Owl saw the Swan gliding on the lake in the moonlight. He praised the Swan and soon, the two became friends. They met near the lake for many days.

The Owl soon got bored of the place and told the Swan, “I am going back to my forest. You are welcome to visit me whenever you want to.”

One day, the Swan decided to visit the Owl. It was daylight when the Swan reached the Owl’s home. She could not find him, as he was hiding in the dark hole of a tree.

The Owl told the Swan, “Please rest till the sun sets. I can come out only at night.”

Early next morning, some people were passing by. On hearing them, the Owl hooted.

The people thought it was not a good sign to hear an Owl hoot. So, one of them wanted to shoot the Owl.

The Owl flew away and hid in a hole near the lake.  The poor Swan did not move. The arrow hit the Swan and she died.

Never leave your friends in difficulty.
