Prayer 231126

Prayer is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that varies widely across different religious, spiritual, and cultural traditions. It is a form of communication with a higher power, often perceived as a deity or the divine, and serves various purposes depending on individual beliefs and practices.

Here are some perspectives on prayer:

1. **Communication with the Divine:**

– In many religious traditions, prayer is seen as a way to establish a connection with a higher power. It is a means of expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, requesting assistance, or simply conversing with the divine.

2. **Spiritual Reflection and Contemplation:**

– Prayer is not only about making requests or seeking intervention; it can also serve as a time for self-reflection and contemplation. It provides individuals with an opportunity to examine their thoughts, actions, and values.

3. **Cultural and Tradition:**

– Prayer is deeply embedded in the cultural and traditional fabric of many societies. It often plays a role in rituals, ceremonies, and rites of passage, contributing to a sense of community and shared identity.

4. **Meditative Practice:**

– Some view prayer as a form of meditation or mindfulness. It can be a way to achieve a state of inner peace, focus, and serenity. The act of prayer may involve calming the mind and finding a sense of centeredness.

5. **Expressing Gratitude:**

– Many prayers include expressions of gratitude for the blessings and experiences in one’s life. Gratitude is considered a positive emotion that can enhance well-being and foster a sense of contentment.

6. **Seeking Guidance and Support:**

– People often turn to prayer in times of difficulty, seeking guidance, comfort, or support. It can be a source of solace and a means of coping with life’s challenges.

7. **Intercessory Prayer:**

– Some individuals pray on behalf of others, engaging in intercessory prayer. This form of prayer involves requesting divine intervention or blessings for the well-being of others.

8. **Personal Transformation:**

– For some, prayer is a tool for personal transformation. It is a process through which individuals aspire to become better versions of themselves, aligning their actions with their values and spiritual beliefs.

9. **Diverse Interpretations:**

– The interpretation and practice of prayer vary widely among different religions and spiritual paths. While some emphasize formalized rituals, others prioritize spontaneous and personal communication with the divine.

10. **Skepticism and Atheism:**

– It’s important to note that not everyone engages in prayer, and some individuals, particularly those with atheistic or agnostic beliefs, may approach life’s challenges and questions through different means such as reason, science, or philosophy.

In summary, prayer is a deeply personal and culturally influenced practice that can serve various functions, ranging from communication with the divine to self-reflection and community bonding. Its meaning and significance are diverse and shaped by individual beliefs, cultural contexts, and religious traditions.


Personal Revival D1

Personal Revival D1


Filled with the Holy Spirit

Why was it that I was suddenly and intensively occupied with the matter of “Life in the Holy Spirit“?

On August 14, 2011, when I was in Kandergrund in the Bernese Highlands in Switzerland an important connection became very clear to me. I recognized a spiritual cause for why we are losing part of our youth which shocked me greatly. I thought of my children and grandchildren. Since then I have been intensively occupied with this subject.

Now I believe that the same spiritual cause is behind many of our problems; specifically, personal problems, problems in marriages and families, in local churches and the world-wide church. It is the lack of the Holy Spirit.

If this is the cause, then we should urgently address this issue. If the cause can be eliminated or considerably reduced, then many problems will become superfluous or will be resolved.


*Emil Brunner : Evangelical reformed theologian, wrote that the Holy Spirit “has always more or less been the stepchild of theology.”
*D. Martin Lloyd -J ones : “If I may give my honest opinion, then there is no topic on biblical belief that has been so neglected in the past or present as the topic of the Holy Spirit…. I am sure that this is the cause for the weakness of the evangelical faith.”
*Le Roy E. Froom : “I am convinced that the lack of the Holy Spirit is our worst problem.”
*„Dwight Nelson : “Our church has to the point of exhaustion deve­loped admirable forms, plans and programs, but if we don’t finally admit to our spiritual bankruptcy [lack of the Holy Spirit], which has overtaken many of us ministers and leaders, then we will never be able to get out of our Pro-Forma-Christianity.”

First, we want to look at the fruits that have grown where this deficiency has been eradicated. Then we want to look at some advice that our Lord Jesus gave about the Holy Spirit.


I wish each person that is already living in the Holy Spirit to attain the fullness of the Spirit. For those who haven’t lived with the Holy Spirit or have only had an insufficient life with the Holy Spirit, I hope that this is the beginning of a new fulfilled and victorious life.

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