The Skeleton Key

“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

Exhausted from many days of training leaders to disciple parents and their children to Jesus, I asked my Zimbabwean hosts where I was supposed to spend the night. I had just preached that night to over seven hundred students on a high school campus in Zimbabwe, and it was already well past sunset.

My hosts led me to a dormitory on the edge of a university campus nearby, not far from a high fence which was meant to keep the leopards out. Once we got to my room, they handed me a long, narrow skeleton key. I stuck the key in the lock, and the door popped open. With gratitude, I said goodnight to my hosts.

After preparing for bed, I knelt by my bed to pray. “God, I am leaving for home the day after tomorrow. What is on Your heart?”

Instantly, the quiet voice of God whispered softly to my heart and mind. “Come out under the stars, Don. There is something I want to tell you.”

Hopping up, I pulled on some warmer clothes and laced up my hiking shoes. Grabbing the key, I stepped out of my room, locked the door, and walked out into the night.

I headed down a dirt path, and then knelt in some tall grasses. Looking up at the sky, I gazed with awe at the stars. With no artificial light for many miles, the sky was a brilliant canopy of twinkling galaxies. It was simply breathtaking.

“God, I am here!” I greeted Him. “What is on Your heart? What do You want to tell me?”

Again, He spoke inaudibly to my heart and mind, “Ask Me to do much more for Africa!”

Now I felt that this was a strange thing for God to tell me. Why did He want me to ask Him to do much more for Africa? He could answer His own prayer by doing anything He wanted for the continent. However, I knew it was His voice speaking, and He was clear in what He wanted me to do. In obedience, I stretched up my hands in the darkness to God and prayed out loud, “God, please do much more for Africa!” My short prayer was spoken in faith.

I waited. Would God have anything else to say? The only sound was the sot breezes blowing through the tall grass. I heard nothing more, but His peace was with me.

Standing to my feet, I turned and walked back to the dormitory. Eagerly I pulled out my skeleton key as I neared my room. I was ready to sleep, very ready to sleep. I stuck the key into the lock and turned it once. The door would not open. I tried it again. It still would not open. I tried it again, five times, ten times, fifteen times. The door simply would not open.

“How could this be happening to me?” I grumbled to myself. “The key just worked a few minutes ago. Why isn’t it working now?”

Immediately the still, small voice of God told me, “You are not getting into your room because there is someone you are supposed to meet.”

“Lord, I don’t know anyone here in this dormitory. Besides, the lights are all out, so that means everyone is asleep.”

But God had spoken. There was someone I was supposed to meet.

Not sure where to go, I started walking down the long, dark hallway. “This is crazy!” I muttered again to myself. “No one is awake.”

“Lord, show me—who am I supposed to meet?”

I walked past room after room. Every door was closed. Every light was out. Peering through the darkness I saw one door, the only door in the long hallway with light streaming out from under it. I timidly tapped on the door.

The door swung open, and a man stuck his face out into the dark hallway. Seeing my white face staring back at him, he stepped back, slightly startled. “Who are you?” he challenged me.

Quickly, I told him that there was no reason to be afraid. Then I introduced myself and told him briefly about the discipleship work I had been doing for leaders there in Zimbabwe.

“I am Pastor Willard Sichilima from North Zambia. How can I help you?” he asked warmly.

I held up my key, “I am embarrassed to tell you, but I cannot open my room with this key. It worked before. I am not sure what to do or who to ask for help.”

“No problem!” he exclaimed. “I have been coming here each summer to work on my master’s degree and have stayed in many rooms in this dormitory. Lead me to your room, and I will open it for you.”

As we got near my room, I handed him the key. He confidently slipped the key into the lock and turned the key, and guess what happened? Nothing. He tried again and again, but the key would not open the door.

Baffled, Pastor Willard went and found the night watchman on duty, a strong, young man who towered over me in height and looked like he could have been a wrestler. However, his face was friendly as he gave me a joyful smile. “Please give me the key, sir. I can open any door here for you!”

I was delighted to hear this and handed him the key. He tried to open the door, but it would not budge. He then turned the key with all his might. He pushed and shoved and strained as sweat began trickling down his face. I wondered if the key would break. Still the key would not work.

“Don’t worry! I will get the men’s dean to help us,” the young night watchman promised. In a few minutes, the dean came with a basket full of keys, including many duplicates for my room.

“We will have you in your room in no time!” The dean told me. He took a copy of my key and popped it in the lock and turned. It would not open. Every duplicate key to my room would not open the door!

Why is this happening to me? I silently complained.

God’s voice spoke to my heart in response: “Ask Pastor Willard, ‘What do you need? How may I help you?’”

“Now Lord,” I reasoned, “I only have one hundred US dollars in my wallet for emergency money. What if this pastor from Zambia asks me to help him pay the tuition for one of his children? I don’t have that much! What if he asks me to help him pay for the tuition of all his children? What would I do?”

But God was not impressed with my arguments. As I hesitated, God prompted me again to ask Pastor Willard the questions. I thought of the possibilities as I fingered my wallet in my pocket. I was genuinely afraid that Pastor Willard would ask me for something beyond what I had in my hand. I did not ask the questions but watched as the dean continued struggling to open my door.

God prompted me the third time with urgency! I sighed.

“Pastor Willard,” I finally spoke up. “God is impressing me to ask you, ‘What do you need? How may I help you?’”

Pastor Willard’s face exploded into a big smile. His smile was much too big for my comfort. “That is exactly why I didn’t want to ask him, God!” I cried inwardly. But my mind was jolted back to the moment, as Pastor Willard was already speaking in response.

“That is a wonderful question!” he told me enthusiastically. He then bent over and asked the dean, who was still looking for a working key for my door, “Would you please give me Don’s original key?”

The dean straightened up, looked at Pastor Willard with a puzzled expression, shrugged his shoulders, and handed him the key. Pastor Willard took the key, stuck it in the lock, turned it, and the door opened! We all stood silently around the opened door for a moment, staring in awe.

After thanking the dean and the night watchman for their valiant efforts, I invited Pastor Willard into my room. “God obviously wanted me to meet you, but before you tell me anything, we need to pray.” We knelt down together, and I prayed first.

“Please Lord, help Pastor Willard to tell me only what You want him to share as the need.”

Pastor Willard then prayed, “Lord, please help Pastor Don to hear what You want him to hear.”

We got back up, and I looked at Pastor Willard with expectation. “So, what do you need?”

He followed my question with his own question. “Well, what do you do?”

“I oer training to help parents and other mentors disciple their children to Jesus Christ,” I told him.

“Wonderful!” he responded enthusiastically. “Why don’t you come to North Zambia and train us?”

Instantly I felt relieved. I thought to myself, He is asking me to do something I know how to do. I can do this! I smiled. But immediately God spoke to my heart again, “Don, offering them the training is good, but ask him what he really needs now.”

“Pastor Willard, God is impressing me to ask you, ‘What do you really need now?’”

Pastor Willard paused briefly with his head bowed. Then he looked up with tears in his eyes. “We need a school in North Zambia!”

“Oh,” I spoke nervously. “You mean like a one-room school?” I was trying desperately to keep the request small enough that I might be able to consider it.

“Oh no, Pastor Don, we need a full secondary school campus that is a boarding school for hundreds and hundreds of students.” Now I began to squirm inwardly.

“Actually,” he continued, “We need two secondary school campuses complete with boys’ and girls’ dormitories, classrooms, kitchen, toilets, showers.” He went on listing the needs of both campuses. By now, I was completely stressed and overwhelmed.

“Well, thank you for sharing this with me,” I said weakly, with little enthusiasm. “I’ll pray about what you’ve shared,” I promised. We stood up, shook hands, said good night, and parted.

I knelt and prayed at my bedside once more. God spoke: “This is the man I wanted you to meet, and that request was from Me!”

Crawling into bed, I pulled the covers up across my chest as I tried to sleep. How was I ever going to build two secondary school campuses in Zambia? I wondered to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

Read More – God Still Lives (Don Maclafferty)

Current Condition of the Church

The Law of God is summed up in two parts. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God – and your neighbor as yourself.”

How do we love our neighbor? We are to minister to those who do not know God. Some knew about the love of Jesus but have drifted away from the truth. It is the responsibility of people in the church to tell others so they too can be saved.

However, it is not the case at this particular time. Church members are just club members (they go to church regularly and disregard the duty of evangelism and ministry to others). Read “Mr World and Ms Church Member“.

While church denominations are busy with internal issues, it has forgotten and rejected the important work of spreading the gospel of salvation to others. It is also allowing subtle and worldly pressure to dominate their decisions which are contrary to Bible teaching.

The sealing process is the end result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Which is the reason why we have to pray more for God to help us do what He wants us to do and make and teach us what to do.

Your Decision in the Final Days

Religious Freedom is going to be lost in the final days. A subtle plan is in the making by world governments. These governments are unaware of the enemy’s plan of creating a decree that would fulfill the prophecy about the great controversy (the controversy that God is unfair and unjust).

It has been prophesied to prepare us for what is ahead.

When people cannot buy or sell, they will be forced to accept the law which shall make them denounce the Sabbath (Worship on Saturday) to the worship on Sunday (which has been changed by the great power – man made sabbath).

Read / Download NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW (in PDF)

The development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) may be used to track down those who do not adhere to the law of Sunday Worship.

Those in the cities shall be the first to be affected. It is advised to stay out of these places. Live in the countryside with sustainable food, water and if possible electricity (to be able to get news about things that are happening).

Cosmic Conflict

For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven, I will
exalt my throne above the stars of
God; I will also sit on the mount of
the congregation on the farthest
sides of the north; I will ascend
above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’”
Isaiah 14:13, 14

It is the cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan.

Have you ever wondered:

How could an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-righteous God stand by and permit the humiliating injustices, debilitating diseases, and inhumane atrocities that happen to people every single day?

Did God create all this evil? And if He did, then is He not the kind of God He claims to be?

Did He just start our world and walk away? Or worse, is He a sadist who sits back and watches our suffering for entertainment?

Such questions are at the heart of this war.

The answers to these questions will ultimately determine which side of the war you’re on. This magazine is designed to help you get answers and to make informed decisions from a factual, biblical standpoint. Jesus Christ has revealed the truth to all these crucial and challenging questions.

So, get ready to experience an unparalleled journey that will take you from the origins of this war; through the pages of Bible history, down to our day; and traveling into the near future, to the final outcome of this cosmic conflict. It is our hope and prayer that at this journey’s end, the great mystery of good and evil will finally make sense and the true character of God will be revealed.

Download PDF

No other resource has opened people’s eyes to the great controversy between good and evil quite like Cosmic Conflict has. It answers the deepest and most troubling questions people ask: Why does God allow suffering? Did God create the devil? Where did evil come from? If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t He destroy Satan now?

< Read More >

God’s Loving Call and Warning

Satan’s End-time Deception will be based on Spiritualism and (Sunday) Worship

A loving parent would always want the best for their children. They feed, nurture and educate the child while some even go further to their grand son or daughter. And as the child grows to adolescence, they teach good character and warn them about the dangers of going with the wrong crowd.

God is a loving Father who has given us principles to follow found in the Holy Bible. He warns us of what is coming in these last days of earth’s history (the book of Revelation). He has given us the Freedom of Choice and will respect the choice we make. And it is up to us to choose Him or someone else.

People are fortunate to have the Freedom of Choice.
Unfortunately, there are only two choices .. Eternal Life or death

Since the beginning of time (even in the Garden of Eden), God has warned Adam and Eve about the consequence of sin. Unfortunately, Eve was deceived by the devil – she accepted the lie (thou shall not surely die) rather than the truth (you shall not eat of the fruit .. lest you die – Genesis 3:2)

Christianity has been infected with Satan’s deceptions. Paganism and spiritualism have slipped into the church and many believers are unaware that the doctrines they have long believed are not founded in the Bible scriptures. These spiritual poisons are destroying God’s people, but we should not be surprised since the book of Revelation reveals these events would take place.

Satan has long worked to confuse people about the state of the dead. Do you go straight to Heaven or somewhere else? What about the change of the Sabbath to Sunday? You might be surprised to find out that both of the current mainline doctrine taught on these topics is rooted not in the Bible, but in spiritualism and sun worship.

Changing the day of worship from the 7th day to (Sun)day / paganism

Sunday – sol / roman sun god
Monday – luna / roman moon goddess
Tuesday – mars / roman god of war – tiw / anglo war god
Wednesday – mercury / roman god of commerce – woden / saxon king of gods
Thursday – jupiter / roman god of sky and thunder – thor / norse god of thunder, lightning & storm
Friday – venus / roman goddess of love – frigga / norse goddess of home, marriage & fertility
Saturday – saturn’s day – roman god of fun & feasting

Walking With God In A Wicked World | Doug Bachelor

A Life for Jesus

A documentary of a successful businessman who shares the Gospel of Christ to others in his community.

Passerinvest Group is a purely Czech development and investment company, which was founded by Radim Passer back in 1991 and ever since then it has acquired extensive experience with the construction of office and commercial buildings and residential projects.

Since 1996, the company, as a responsible urban developer, has primarily been connected with the locality Brumlovka (former BB Centrum) in Prague 4. It is one of the most successful and extensive urban projects not only in the Czech Republic, but in all of Europe from the perspective of development projects built by a single investor. So far, Passerinvest Group has invested almost 16 billion crowns, 1.6 billion of which was invested into non-profit projects that are used by the general public (schools, public greenery, sports facilities and urban infrastructure, safety, ecology).

In 2006, Passerinvest Group entered the city district of Roztyly – the former Interlov complex in Prague 11. Since then, the company has been working on partial changes to the zoning plan so that it can transform the unkempt brownfield (devastated following the construction of the metro) into a functional and user-friendly section of the city district, combining residential housing with public parks, diverse services and an office function, but also a residential park on the edge of Krč Forest.  

Passerinvest Group enjoys a very good reputation, which it built both on the domestic and the international scenes. This is not only to the credit of the quality of the realised projects and the high level of the provided services, but also due to the building blocks of the company culture, which include a sense of fair play, a close relation with business partners and responsibility to society and to the environment. 

The principles of urban construction and the long-term sustainable development of Prague and the Czech Republic are an integral part of Passerinvest Group’s vision. Thus, in 2017 the company introduced a new conception of a solution for the transportation infrastructure in the Czech Republic, which is considers to be of key importance for ensuring the country’s prosperity beyond the year 2038.  In 2021 the company brought the other iniciation “The Building´s Development  for a richer republic”, that support the  further development within the Czech Republic.

The Pilgrims came to America seeking freedom from religious persecution only to face another set of hardships in the New World. Still they chose to follow Paul’s admonition to the Thessalonians: “In everything give thanks.” Join John Bradshaw as he takes us back to the roots of the American Thanksgiving and shares how you too can be grateful in spite of difficult circumstances.

Seduction in Christianity

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Satan knows this very well and he will make his best effort and commitment to prevent this from happening. Dividing the church by distraction and deception is his master plan. He can create issues that turns the focus of the remnant church from spreading the “Undiluted Three Angels Message”.

Unfortunately, the world events prophesied in the bible (Revelation) cannot be altered. The time is coming near and fast. The alteration of the Seventh Day Sabbath has already been accomplished and the only thing standing in the way is the enforcing of laws that would persecute those who keep the testimony of Jesus.

Which side are we on?

This Gospel

This Gospel

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Does Christ’s Second Coming depend on the preaching of the gospel?

The warfare against God’s law, which was begun in heaven, will be continued until the end of time. Every man will be tested. Obedience or disobedience is the question to be decided by the whole world. All will be called to choose between the law of God and the laws of men. Here the dividing line will be drawn. There will be but two classes. Every character will be fully developed; and all will show whether they have chosen the side of loyalty or that of rebellion. Desire of Ages, p. 763

A few years prior to the end of the period of 2300 years (Daniel 8:14), shortly before Christ as our High Priest entered into the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, there began a worldwide revival in expectation of the soon coming of Christ. Faithful Advent believers recognized the message of Revelation 14:6-8 as being entrusted to them by God. Although the majority among the Christian denominations rejected the solemn message of preparation, the first angel’s message, and thus became Babylon (confusion), the second angel’s message, serving as a warning, prepared the way for the third. Revelation 14:9-12. Since then, the everlasting gospel truth, which includes the commandments of God, is being proclaimed to all peoples, nations, and tongues. The gathering of the last church before the second coming of Christ is under way.

The closing work of the Gospel is represented in prophecy as being accomplished by three angels with important messages of present truth for mankind. These angels symbolize the people of God (movements) who proclaim the warnings entrusted to them. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, these messages call for men to make their final decision between truth and error and prepare to stand before the judgment seat of God and to be ready for the second coming of Christ.

“The three angels of Revelation 14 represent the people who accept the light of God’s messages and go forth as His agents to sound the warning throughout the length and breadth of the earth.”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, pp. 455-456.

There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand. Proverbs 19:21 / ( Read Full Chapter )

The Desire of Ages
The Great Controversy

The devil’s ultimate weapon in the last days is DISTRACTION and DECEPTION

The First Promise of the Gospel

The First Promise of the Gospel

The religion of Christ is sincerity itself. Zeal for God’s glory is the motive implanted by the Holy Spirit; and only the effectual working of the Spirit can implant this motive. Only the power of God can banish self-seeking and hypocrisy. This change is the sign of His working. When the faith we accept destroys selfishness and pretense, when it leads us to seek God’s glory and not our own, we may know that it is of the right order. “Father, glorify Thy name” (John 12:28), was the keynote of Christ’s life, and if we follow Him, this will be the keynote of our life. Desire of ages, p. 409

“I will put enmity … between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

This was the first gospel sermon ever preached to sinners; this promise was the star of hope, illuminating the dark and dismal future of the race. Adam gladly received the welcome assurance of deliverance and diligently instructed his children in the way of the Lord. This promise was presented in close connection with the altar of sacrificial offerings. The altar and the promise stand side by side, and one casts clear beams of light upon the other, showing that the justice of an offended God could be appeased only by the death of His beloved Son….

Ellen White Estate Devotional

The Vineyard

The Vineyard

Matthew 20:1-16 KJV

For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.

And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.

And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way.

Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.

And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?

They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.

So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.

But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny.

And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house,

Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.

But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?

Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee.

Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

As christians, the duty is to work ( which is Sharing The Gospel ) to save others. What a privilege to be in God’s Work. Without it, there is no HAPPINESS.