Truth or Freedom

Truth or Freedom

Freedom is not gained through having our way or doing as we please. Prisons are full of men and women who simply did as they pleased. These people certainly didn’t gain freedom; they forfeited their freedom.

Are you constantly battling with fear, lust, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, conceit, deceitfulness, lack of faith, or discouragement?

You don’t have to be imprisoned to find yourself in handcuffs or behind bars. Sin has a way of entrapping each of us, keeping us in bondage. It is only as we accept the truth that Christ died for us at Calvary that we begin to enjoy the freedom He provided. He defeated sin and death once and for all that our true freedom can be found.

The chains that had us bound are broken, and God’s freedom truly sets us free (Gal. 5:1).

Is there anything you can really trust? Where can you find real, authentic answers to life’s greatest questions? “The Great Controversy” outlines a great cosmic battle between good and evil, and it is centered around you. How can you survive? What is the answer?

Satan wants you to believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs ..

Have you ever been lost without directions or a map? What did you do next? Did you know that God has given us a roadmap to navigate our lives? In order to read God’s map, we must first understand the great controversy, a cosmic war between God and Satan.

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The Misleading

The Misleading

Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. Isaiah 29:9.

The world is to be flooded with specious fallacies. One human mind, accepting these fallacies, will work upon other human minds, who have been turning the precious evidence of God’s truth into a lie. These men will be deceived by fallen angels, when they should have stood as faithful guardians, watching for souls, as they that must give an account. They have laid down the weapons of their warfare, and have given heed to seducing spirits. They make of no effect the counsel of God and set aside His warnings and reproofs, and are positively on Satan’s side….

Spiritual drunkenness is now upon men who ought not to be staggering as men under the influence of strong drink. Crimes and irregularities, fraud, deceit, and unfair dealing fill the world, in accordance with the teaching of the leader who rebelled in the heavenly courts.

History is to be repeated. I could specify what will be in the near future, but the time is not yet. The forms of the dead will appear, through the cunning device of Satan, and many will link up with the one who loveth and maketh a lie. I warn our people that right among us some will turn away from the faith and give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, and by them the truth will be evil spoken of.

A marvelous work shall take place. Ministers, lawyers, doctors, who have permitted these falsehoods to overmaster their spirit of discernment, will be themselves deceivers, united with the deceived. A spiritual drunkenness will take possession of them. To the unfaithful stewards the Lord says, “Take your pleasure and walk in blindness as drunken men, for, after having many opportunities, and refusing to improve them, you will act at last as the drunkard acts, throwing away your hope of eternal life.” Seeking deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and making lies their refuge, they will misinterpret the warnings and messages God has sent, placing on these warnings their false statements, to make God’s Word of no effect.

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The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous.


Signs of the End Times

Signs of the End Times

Jesus aroused the disciples’ curiosity when He spoke of future events. The temple had taken over forty years to build, yet Jesus predicted, “Not one stone shall be left upon another”.

When they came to the Mount of Olives to rest, the disciples saw the opportunity to ask Jesus when this event would take place.
But they looked even further into the future when they asked about the end of the world and the signs of Christs’ Second Coming.

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? AND WHAT WILL BE THE SIGN OF YOUR COMING, AND OF THE END OF THE AGE?” Matthew 24:3

Jesus proceeded to tell them of deceptions that would take place, and also not one sign, but many signs that would indicate the nearness of Christ’s coming. Some of His predictions had their fulfillment primarily in Jerusalem itself, but served as minor realizations to illustrate the ultimate events, showing that Christ would soon appear.

But of THAT DAY AND HOUR NO ONE KNOWS, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. Matthew 24:36

Many in the past have made the mistake of setting a date for Christ’s return. Jesus was definite; nobody knows the exact time when He will come.

Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, WHEN YOU SEE ALL THESE THINGS, KNOW THAT IT IS NEAR—at the doors! Matthew 24:32,33

Even though the exact time is unknown, Christ made it clear that His followers would be able to tell the nearness of His coming. When the Bible signs come to pass, it is the signal to the Christian to look up because redemption draws near. Just as the new shoots on the trees show that springtime is here and summer is near so the signs tell us that Christ’s coming is at the doors.

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