Sabbath – A Day of Freedom

Sabbath – A Day of Freedom

God knew that in a world full of overworked minds and bodies damaged by sin, our tendency as humans would be to further our own selfish interests at just about any cost. He knew we would need a regular opportunity for spiritual growth and to refocus on things of eternal importance.

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Sabbath – The Rest of Your Life

Is Saturday Still … Saturday?

Can we know for certain that the Saturday we know today is the same Saturday Moses and Jesus knew? Yes!

First, the Jewish people have been observing the seventh day from the time of their forefather, Abraham, and they still keep it today.

Exodus chapter 16 recounts a series of weekly Sabbath miracles repeated over a period of 40 years while the Jews roamed the wilderness. For instance, God provided manna for the children of Israel to collect six days a week, but the Lord commanded them to gather twice as much on Friday because no manna would fall from heaven on the Sabbath.

(Keep in mind, this was before He gave them the Ten Commandments.)

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