Happy Sabbath 210109

Happy Sabbath 210109

Mark 2.27 – The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath …

The duty toward Sabbath keeping should not be a burden. You celebrate the Sabbath as God’s gift to mankind. It is a special day to have communion with Him. A sweet day of rest from all labor and from the stress of the world.

How do you feel about the Sabbath?

Have you even tried to keep it? If not yet, why not give it a try? The feeling of peace is different from the peace this world gives. The blessing it brings is above anything that mankind has ever experienced.

We live in a world of chaos. Everyone for himself. Everything for the ones in power. No concern for others. This is the world we live in right now.

Why not come to Him who provides Eternal Life and Everlasting Peace.

Shall we bow our heads as we pray.
