God’s Loving Call and Warning

Satan’s End-time Deception will be based on Spiritualism and (Sunday) Worship

A loving parent would always want the best for their children. They feed, nurture and educate the child while some even go further to their grand son or daughter. And as the child grows to adolescence, they teach good character and warn them about the dangers of going with the wrong crowd.

God is a loving Father who has given us principles to follow found in the Holy Bible. He warns us of what is coming in these last days of earth’s history (the book of Revelation). He has given us the Freedom of Choice and will respect the choice we make. And it is up to us to choose Him or someone else.

People are fortunate to have the Freedom of Choice.
Unfortunately, there are only two choices .. Eternal Life or death

Since the beginning of time (even in the Garden of Eden), God has warned Adam and Eve about the consequence of sin. Unfortunately, Eve was deceived by the devil – she accepted the lie (thou shall not surely die) rather than the truth (you shall not eat of the fruit .. lest you die – Genesis 3:2)

Christianity has been infected with Satan’s deceptions. Paganism and spiritualism have slipped into the church and many believers are unaware that the doctrines they have long believed are not founded in the Bible scriptures. These spiritual poisons are destroying God’s people, but we should not be surprised since the book of Revelation reveals these events would take place.

Satan has long worked to confuse people about the state of the dead. Do you go straight to Heaven or somewhere else? What about the change of the Sabbath to Sunday? You might be surprised to find out that both of the current mainline doctrine taught on these topics is rooted not in the Bible, but in spiritualism and sun worship.

Changing the day of worship from the 7th day to (Sun)day / paganism

Sunday – sol / roman sun god
Monday – luna / roman moon goddess
Tuesday – mars / roman god of war – tiw / anglo war god
Wednesday – mercury / roman god of commerce – woden / saxon king of gods
Thursday – jupiter / roman god of sky and thunder – thor / norse god of thunder, lightning & storm
Friday – venus / roman goddess of love – frigga / norse goddess of home, marriage & fertility
Saturday – saturn’s day – roman god of fun & feasting


Walking With God In A Wicked World | Doug Bachelor