Saved from Certain Death

Saved from Certain Death

Picture the horror of being trapped in a house as scorching flames and choking smoke close in on you. Then imagine how grateful and relieved you’d feel to be plucked to safety. Well, the truth is that every person on the planet is in tremendous danger. We all urgently need rescue—not by people in uniform—but by our Father in heaven. God loves you so much that He sent His Son to save you. You’ve probably heard this before, but are you sure you understand what it’s actually all about? What does it really mean and can it truly change your life? Read on and find out!

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Did God Create the Devil?

Did God Create the Devil?

Who is Satan? Many believe he’s merely a mythical figure, but the Bible says that he is very real and that he is determined to deceive you and destroy your life. Indeed, this brilliant but cruel mastermind is so much more than what you have been told. He’s entrapping individuals, families, churches, and even entire nations to increase sorrow and pain in this world. Here are the Bible’s amazing facts about this dark prince and how you can overcome him!

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God Drew the Plans

God Drew the Plans

You probably know that on the summit of Mt. Sinai, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. But did you also know that, at the same time, the Lord gave Moses blueprints for one of the most mysterious structures ever built? It’s called the sanctuary, a unique temple that represented God’s dwelling place among His people. Its overall design and services showed this nation of freed slaves a three-dimensional panorama of the plan of salvation. A careful look into the secrets of the sanctuary will solidify and enhance your understanding of how Jesus saves the lost and leads the church. The sanctuary is also a key to understanding several amazing prophecies. An exciting adventure awaits you as this Study Guide explores the sanctuary and its hidden meanings!

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