Happy Sabbath 210109

Happy Sabbath 210109

Mark 2.27 – The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath …

The duty toward Sabbath keeping should not be a burden. You celebrate the Sabbath as God’s gift to mankind. It is a special day to have communion with Him. A sweet day of rest from all labor and from the stress of the world.

How do you feel about the Sabbath?

Have you even tried to keep it? If not yet, why not give it a try? The feeling of peace is different from the peace this world gives. The blessing it brings is above anything that mankind has ever experienced.

We live in a world of chaos. Everyone for himself. Everything for the ones in power. No concern for others. This is the world we live in right now.

Why not come to Him who provides Eternal Life and Everlasting Peace.

Shall we bow our heads as we pray.


Taking a Stand for the Sabbath

Taking a Stand for the Sabbath

Darrell Patterson, the former Walgreens customer service trainer who was fighting for Sabbath accommodation in the workplace, will not have his lawsuit heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, a decision announced on February 24. A lower court decision, Patterson v. Walgreen Co., will stand for now in a ruling against the employee.

Patterson had worked for Walgreens in Orlando, Florida, for six years. But on August 19, 2011, a Friday, he was instructed to conduct an emergency training session the following day, the Sabbath. It turned out that a management error, a violation of law, in fact, had forced the shutdown of a call center in Alabama, and company officials had then transferred that work to the Orlando facility.

Previously, Patterson had consistently been able to find someone else to cover his responsibilities when a Sabbath conflict arose. In turn, Patterson would cover the other worker’s non-Sabbath shift. But this time, that had not been possible. When Patterson didn’t show up for work on Sabbath, he was suspended and then later fired—even though he conducted the training on the following Monday, ahead of a court-imposed deadline.

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Does Sabbath keeping really affect people personally?

Does Sabbath keeping really affect people personally?

Yes! The Sabbath is a gift from God, who made it for you as a respite from the world! It’s natural that the people who love Him would want to keep His Sabbath commandment.

Indeed, love without commandment-keeping is really not love at all (1 John 2:4). It’s a decision we all must make, and we cannot avoid it.

The good news is that choosing to keep the Sabbath will bless you profoundly!


Sabbath – A Day of Freedom

Sabbath – A Day of Freedom

God knew that in a world full of overworked minds and bodies damaged by sin, our tendency as humans would be to further our own selfish interests at just about any cost. He knew we would need a regular opportunity for spiritual growth and to refocus on things of eternal importance.

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Sabbath – The Rest of Your Life

Is Saturday Still … Saturday?

Can we know for certain that the Saturday we know today is the same Saturday Moses and Jesus knew? Yes!

First, the Jewish people have been observing the seventh day from the time of their forefather, Abraham, and they still keep it today.

Exodus chapter 16 recounts a series of weekly Sabbath miracles repeated over a period of 40 years while the Jews roamed the wilderness. For instance, God provided manna for the children of Israel to collect six days a week, but the Lord commanded them to gather twice as much on Friday because no manna would fall from heaven on the Sabbath.

(Keep in mind, this was before He gave them the Ten Commandments.)

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Sabbath Made for Man

The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27) Read the Book of Mark Chapter 2

Sabbath is a day of rest – as Jesus did. And interestingly from the story in the bible. Jesus and His disciples passed through the cornfield on the Sabbath Day. And the disciples started to pluck the ears of corn.

This must have drawn much attention to the pharisees and others who have been keeping the Sabbath to the book. And to us who are living in the modern age and have come to know the Sabbath. This must be confusing.

When we read the bible, we can not read a portion of the verse or chapter and take it literally. We must understand the whole picture and what took place. And yet, without divine understanding, our finite minds may not grasp the big picture. So before we read or discuss, we need wisdom from above. And we only get it through earnest prayer.

As the wise man King Solomon said. There is a time for everything

Remember the Sabbath Day

What is the Sabbath?

If you search on “google” it says:
a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening

From most theologians it goes like:
Its theological meaning is rooted in God’s rest following the six days of creation.
( Gen 2:2-3 )
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

But what does it mean for you?

Let’s learn more from

If you notice the photo of the ten commandments (top), it is divided into two halves. The first four are to God and the last six are to man.

The fourth commandment which relates to the Sabbath is the choosing point where man serves God or the devil. It could be the basis of separating the lambs from the goats. And it may be the mark that distinguishes us from beast.

We have to research more about this ourselves and ask Our Forever Friend to guide us as we take this journey. Without Him we can do nothing. But with God, all things are possible.

See also:
The Sabbath Truth
Amazing Facts