Ellen G White Books
The Adventist home is a home where Seventh-day Adventist standards and practices are lived and taught, a place to which Seventh-day Adventist fathers and mothers are commissioned by Christ to go and make Christians of the members of their own households.
And in order to perform that task well, Seventh-day Adventist parents are looking for all the help they can possibly find.
A Call to Stand Apart makes available from selected Ellen White writings the core ideas that deal with important issues faced by youth and young adults today. The 17 chapters of the book have been chosen to address issues faced by contemporary young adults in a twenty-first-century context.
An Appeal to the Youth is a collection of letters written by Ellen White to her children, prior to the death of her eldest son, Henry, at the age of 16. These letters are an excerpt from the complete publication, which originally included Uriah Smith’s address at Henry White’s funeral, as well as text from other authors.
The book is designed not only for teachers, but also for parents, who should be prepared to direct intelligently the education of their children. The whole subject of Christian education is treated from the broadest standpoint, with valuable principles and suggestions applicable to every stage of child development; and it is confidently believed that this little work will prove a blessing, both in a richer personal experience and in an increased ability for service, to everyone who will read it thoughtfully.
The significance of instruction on child guidance is best understood as we note the important place it takes in the word of God and the frequent and detailed references to the subject in the spirit of prophecy writings. In her several books, but more particularly in the articles on practical Christian living which appeared from week to week in the various journals of the denomination, Mrs. White set forth a wealth of counsel to parents.
Christ the Great Teacher gave much of His instruction as He walked with His disciples through the hills and valleys of Palestine or rested by the lake or river. In His parable teaching He linked divine truth with common things and incidents, as may be found in the experiences of the shepherd, the builder, the tiller of the soil, the traveler, and the homemaker.
The law of love being the foundation of the government of God, the happiness of all created beings depended upon their perfect accord with its great principles of righteousness. God desires from all His creatures the service of love homage that springs from an intelligent appreciation of His character. He takes no pleasure in a forced allegiance, and to all He grants freedom of will, that they may render Him voluntary service.
In the hearts of all mankind, of whatever race or station in life,
there are inexpressible longings for something they do not now possess. This longing is implanted in the very constitution of man by a merciful God, that man may not be satisfied with his present conditions or attainments, whether bad, or good, or better. God desires that the human shall seek the best, and find it to the eternal blessing of his soul.
We are well aware that many honest seekers after truth and Bible holiness are prejudiced against visions. Two great causes have created this prejudice. First fanaticism, accompanied by false visions and exercises, has existed more or less almost everywhere. This has led many of the sincere to doubt anything of the kind. Secondly, the exhibition of mesmerism, and what is commonly called the “mysterious rapping,” are perfectly calculated to deceive, and create unbelief relative to the gifts and operations of the Spirit of God.
A Devotional Study Guide
The Father’s love for humanity provides an endless theme for contemplation and study. This vital topic unfolds on every page of Our Father Cares. From the great sacrifice of giving His Son, to the calling we have as His children on earth, the study of His love for us personally will encourage and guide us on our upward journey.
This book, reader, is not published to tell us that there is sin and woe and misery in this world. We know it all too well. This book is not published to tell us that there is an irreconcilable controversy between darkness and light, sin and righteousness, wrong and right, death and life. In our heart of hearts we know it, and know that we are participators, actors, in the conflict.
The world is sick, and wherever the children of men dwell, suffering abounds. On every hand there is a seeking for relief.
It is not the Creator’s purpose that mankind shall be weighed down with a burden of pain, that his activities shall be curtailed by illness, that his strength wane, and his life be cut short by disease. But all too frequently the laws established by God to govern the life are flagrantly transgressed; sin enters the heart, and man loses sight of his dependence upon God, the source of life and health.
The publishers send out this work from a conviction that it throws
light upon a subject of paramount importance and universal interest, and one on which light is to be greatly desired; that it presents truths too little known or too widely ignored. The great controversy between truth and error, between light and darkness, between the power of God and the attempted usurpation of the enemy of all righteousness, is the one great spectacle which it is reasonable to suppose must engage the attention of all worlds.
Nature and revelation alike testify of God’s love. Our Father in heaven is the source of life, of wisdom, and of joy. Look at the wonderful and beautiful things of nature. Think of their marvelous adaptation to the needs and happiness, not only of man, but of all living creatures.Amazing Facts TV Offers Nature and revelation alike testify of God’s love. Our Father in heaven is the source of life, of wisdom, and of joy. Look at the wonderful and beautiful things of nature. Think of their marvelous adaptation to the needs and happiness, not only of man, but of all living creatures.
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